PH Embassy in Moscow Joins Grand Celebration of Russian-Asian Economic Cooperation
Philippine Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta delivers his remarks (left) and joinins the Lighting Ceremony. (Moscow PE photo)
MOSCOW 17 December 2019 — In celebration of the advances in Russian-Asian economic cooperation, the Philippine Embassy in Moscow joined the Gala Night organized by the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RAUIE) on 12 December 2019 at the Hotel Baltschug Kempinski.
In his remarks, Philippine Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta said, “This is an exciting time for economic cooperation between Russia and Asia. The global economic landscape is shifting and many opportunities are emerging for Russia and Asia.” He added, “ASEAN now has a strategic relationship with Russia with a strong emphasis on economic cooperation. For the Philippines, to be able to sustain our current economic growth, we know we have to diversify or engagements and look beyond our usual and traditional economic partners. Russia’s turn to its friends in the East and the Philippines’s own emphasis on Russia are timely and historic developments.”
Ambassador Sorreta also joined the lighting ceremony that signified continued economic growth and greater unity for Russia and Asia.
As the Philippine Embassy’s contribution to the Cultural Program of the Gala Night, members of the Philippine Embassy Cultural Performing Group gave a sterling performance of the Banga Dance, much to the delight of the guests. The dance was warmly received and the guests flocked to meet the dancers and have pictures taken with them after their dance.
Among the guests were ranking Russian government officials, members of the diplomatic community, members of the Federal Council and Duma, top Russian and Asian business persons, and media.
The Philippine Embassy has been working with the RAUIE to explore bilateral economic opportunities. The RAUIE is a business association that implements programs of trade, economic, investment and humanitarian cooperation between state, business and public structures of Russia and Asian countries. The Union provides comprehensive support for the implementation of investment projects, placing of products and services on Russian and Asian markets, and promotes businesses and brands ( END
Philippine Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta (right) with Mr. Vitaly Mankevich, President of the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RAUIE). (Moscow PE photo)
Left photo: Philippine Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta is interviewed by Rossiya Segodnya ( Right photo: Ambassador Sorreta is interviewed by Big Asia News ( In his interviews, Ambassador Sorreta gave an update on the continuing strengthening of Philippine-Russia relations and highlighted the recent visit of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to Russia. (Moscow PE photo)
The Philippine Embassy Cultural Performing Group’s interpretation of the Banga dance (left) to the delight of the guests who flocked to the dancers after to congratulate them and have their pictures taken (right). (Moscow PE photo)
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