10 April 2014 - Philippine Ambassador Ezzedin H. Tago and other Embassy officials were in Dammam on March 17 to personally convey appreciation and gratitude to the Reconciliation Committee in Dammam headed by Judge Sheikh Ahmad Al-Osaimeen and the other members of the Committee, citing the help of the Committee in resolving the case of Filipino detainee Mr. Rodelio Lanusa who was freed and repatriated in September 2013.
Ambassador Tago presented simple plaques of appreciation to the Chairman, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Osaimeen, to Sheikh Ali bin Ali, and to the Committee.
After the visit to the Saudi Reconciliation Committee (SRC), Ambassador Tago commented, “I recall in 2011 I received a call from the SRC in Dammam about the breakthrough in the case, and the meeting with the victim’s family that was arranged by the SRC. Since then, the Embassy officials on various levels had been closely coordinating with the SRC Chairman Judge Al-Osaimeen and Sheikh Ali bin Ali until the case of Mr. Lanusa was resolved. I reiterated to the Committee the gratitude of Mr. Lanusa and the appreciation of the Embassy for this great work they had done.”
Before the simple ceremony at the Reconciliation Committee Headquarters in Dammam, Ambassador Tago and the Committee members discussed general impressions on the status of Filipinos in the Kingdom and especially in the Eastern Region. Judge Al-Osaimeen noted that Filipinos are generally law-abiding and respect the laws in the Kingdom, but he noted that there is still a small number who violate the norms, culture and Islamic Sharia laws by committing minor offences.
To address this issue, the Philippine Embassy officials and the Committee members discussed ways to further improve awareness among the community on the norms, culture, Saudi and Islamic Sharia including post-arrival orientation seminars.
The Philippine Ambassador was joined by Vice Consul Winston Almeda, and Mr. Jerome Friaz and Mr. Jamel Haris who were assisting with the case of Mr. Rodelio Lanuza. END