PH Embassy in Oslo, Norwegian Directorate of Immigration Briefs Filipinos on New Dual Citizenship Rules

OsloCitizenship1Senior Adviser at the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration Hege Nohr Kristoffersen discusses changes to Norway’s citizenship rules during the seminar (Oslo PE photo)

OSLO 15 January 2020 — In view of changes to Norway's Citizenship Act allowing Norwegians to hold other citizenships effective 01 January 2020, the Philippine Embassy in Oslo, in cooperation with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), conducted a Seminar on Dual Citizenship for Filipinos Naturalized as Norwegians on 10 January 2020.

The seminar was attended by both former Filipinos who had already acquired Norwegian citizenship and Filipinos who were still in the process of becoming naturalized Norwegians. The Embassy also live-streamed the seminar on its Facebook page for the benefit of interested audiences all over Norway.

In addition to the overview of changes to the citizenship rules provided by UDI, the seminar also discussed procedures for citizenship reacquisition and retention under Republic Act 9225. The Embassy will begin receiving applications for dual citizenship from Filipinos naturalized as Norwegians on 13 January 2020. END

OsloCitizenship2Vice Consul Jahzeel Abihail G. Cruz presents guidelines for citizenship reacquisition and retention under Republic Act 9225. (Oslo PE photo)

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