PH Embassy in Moscow Riterates Call on Filcom to Support Fight Against Illegal Recruitment as Repatriation Cases Increase
Top left: Embassy Interpreter Ms. Aigul Iliasova assists a group of Filipinos at their court appearance for voluntary deportation. Top right: Assistance-to-Nationals (ATN) Officer Mr. Ray Parojinog accompanies a Filipino, together with a friend, in their court hearing following apprehension for violating migration laws. Bottom left: A group of Filipinos await their turn at the migration police for processing their surrender and voluntary deportation with the help of the Embassy’s ATN Officer and Interpreter. Bottom right: Embassy officials accompany a Filipino in Court and provide counsel interpretation services in facing the judge. (Photos courtesy of R. Parojinog)
MOSCOW 16 December 2019 — The Philippine Embassy in Moscow reiterated its call for the members of the Filipino community to support the fight against illegal recruitment, noting that there has been a marked increase in the number of repatriation cases coupled with an increase in the number of Filipinos being held at Temporary Detention Centers for Foreign Nationals on 11 December 2019.
“In this quarter alone, the Philippine Embassy in Russia assisted over three dozen kababayans to return home. These include those who volunteer to be deported and those apprehended, as well as medical repatriation cases,” Philippine Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta said. In addition to this, the Embassy is currently assisting over a dozen Filipinos seeking voluntary deportation and a separate number in detention awaiting deportation, Ambassador Sorreta added.
“It is in this particular context that we would like to reiterate our call for the members of the Filipino community to support our efforts to end illegal recruitment, in particular, we would like to issue another plea for Filipinos who have been engaging in illegal recruitment to please stop” Ambassador Sorreta emphasized.
As 2019 draws to a close, the Embassy has seen a marked increase in cases of Filipinos with migration violations, particularly those with current or expired visas that contain false information or obtained under fraudulent circumstances.
If a repatriate is unable to pay for his or her repatriation, the Philippine Embassy has been able to source funds through the Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs (OUMWA) of the Department of Foreign Affairs.
“So far, we have been able to fund all those who have requested for airfare for their repatriation and we are grateful for their patience. We make timely and urgent requests, but since these are government funds, certain requirements and safeguards are in place to ensure their proper use,” according to Philippine Consul General to Moscow Robert Ferrer, Jr. “We make it a point to visit all those Filipinos who are detained. We are also grateful to those who paid for their own airfare, by using their own funds, or with the support of their friends, relative or employers. This helps make sure that there will be funds available for those truly in need.” Consul General Ferrer added.
Aside from providing funds for airfare, the Embassy also assists in documentation and court appearances as well as pays for any fines. It also provides shelter, food, and daily necessities when needed, for those waiting to be repatriated. At the moment, the Embassy is able to shelter a limited number of nationals, with separate living quarters for men and women. The Embassy also provides professional counselling services when necessary.
“Our ability to provide a secure shelter has helped us in some cases in the past to successfully request custody over Filipinos detained by Russian authorities. We make it a point to request custody for all Filipinos who face administrative or even criminal charges, although the approval remains the discretion of the Russian court” Ambassador Sorreta said.” When custody is not given to the Embassy, its personnel always ensure that the safety, welfare and rights of detained Filipinos are protected, working closely with concerned Russian authorities.
When Filipinos are caught and charged with violating Russian immigration laws, the Embassy always appeals for leniency. In the past, this resulted in the release of first-time offenders. Today, not all offenders are released, especially repeat offenders and those illegally staying here for a long time. Still the Embassy does all it can to prevent the filing of criminal charges for violation of Russia’s migration laws. Almost always, only administrative charges are filed leading only to an administrative fine. However, this year, criminal charges for violation of Russia’s migration law were filed against one Filipino.
“We are also working closely with Russian authorities to bring to justice Russian and other visa agents who exploit and victimize our kababayans through illegal recruitment,” Consul General Ferrer said.
“We are actively pursuing long-term solutions to the Filipino labor situation in Russia, particularly those in child care and household service. We reiterate our call to all our kababayans to refrain from inviting our nationals for work purposes or any other activities that constitute illegal recruitment. We appreciate the continued support of the Filipino community in our work,” Ambassador Sorreta emphasized. END
Consul General to Moscow Robert Ferrer, Jr. and Attache Ceferino Caldez, Jr. visit a Filipino detained at the Temporary Detention Center for Foreigners in Moscow oblast. (Photo courtesy of A. Iliasova)
Left and center photos: Vice Consul Catherine Alpay visits Filipinos convalescing in hospitals and in need of medical assistance or medical repatriation. Right photo: Embassy officials arrange for the visit of a Catholic priest, Fr. Michael John Ryan, to pray over a Filipino in critical condition. (Photos courtesy of C. Alpay and R. Parojinog)
Left photo: Vice Consul Catherine Alpay and a Filipina ward at the Embassy’s ATN shelter. Right photo: ATN Officer Mr. Ray Parojinog (far right) and Embassy Interpreter Ms. Olga Kaplina, together with a Russian emergency services medical specialist meet with a Filipina ward in need of psychological counselling at the Embassy’s ATN Shelter. (Photos courtesy of C. Alpay)
Left photo: ATN Officer Mr. Ray Parojinog provides consultation to a distressed Filipina (seen in photo filling up an assistance request form. Right photo: Vice Consul Catherine Alpay gives a final briefing to a group of deportees who availed of the Embassy’s voluntary deportation program prior to their departure from Russia. (Photos courtesy of C. Alpay)
Left photo: ATN Officer Mr. Ray Parojinog assists a group of voluntary deportees, including a minor at the airport for their flight to Manila. Right photo: Mr. Parojinog personally assists in the repatriation of a Filipino at Domodedovo Airport. (Photos courtesy of A. Iliasova)
A group of repatriates from Moscow with medical conditions arrive in Manila and are received by the Repatriation Team from the Department of Foreign Affairs Office of Migrant Workers’ Affairs (DFA OUMWA). (Photo courtesy of DFA OUMWA)
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