PH Consulate General in Chicago Participates in Human Trafficking Program

ChicagoHumanTrafficking1Human Trafficking Program participants from the Filipino-American Community Leaders. (Chicago PCG photo)

MICHIGAN 20 December 2019 – The Philippine Consulate General in Chicago together with Philippine Honorary Consul General in Detroit Dr. Jose L. Evangelista, Madonna University, Filipino-American Community Council of Michigan, National Federation of Filipino American Associations co-sponsored Responding to Human Trafficking in our own community at Madonna University at 04 December 2019.

Law enforcement trainer for the State of Michigan and Interim Dean of the College of Natural and Social Sciences Tara Kane share her expertise during the event.

The program seeks to address problems in their own localities said Philippine Consul General to Chicago Gina Jamoralin in her letter commending the sponsors for organizing this train-the-trainers workshop.

Madonna University Nursing student Jessica Magill who visited the Philippines on study abroad, highlighted a project with the Cameleon Association, a 20-year old organization committed to supporting girl victims of sexual abuse in the Philippines.  Madonna University students are actively raising funds through the selling of notecards with artwork on girl power to support the Cameleon girls.   

Vice President for Student Affairs and Mission Integration at Madonna University  Dr. Connie Tingson-Gatuz completed the program with an exercise to engage small group discussions to identify strategies to increase community awareness and response to this critical issue.  END

ChicagoHumanTrafficking2Law Enforcement Trainer for the State of Michigan and Interim Dean of the College of Natural and Social Sciences Tara Kane. (Chicago PCG photo)

ChicagoHumanTrafficking3Leaders from the Philippine American Community Center of Michigan, Filipino-American Community Council of Michigan, National Federation of Filipino-American Association, Council for Asian Pacific Americans (CAPA), and the Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission.  (Chicago PCG photo)

ChicagoHumanTrafficking4Official poster of the Human Trafficking Program in Michigan. (Chicago PCG photo)

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