23 April 2014 –The Advisory Board of the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) held its inaugural meeting on April 21 in Bali, Indonesia to discuss the Board’s role in advancing the mandate of the AIPR.
The Board consists of officials from the ten ASEAN Member States who are considered experts in the field of peace and reconciliation, and is mandated under the Terms of Reference of the AIPR to assist the institute’s Governing Council by advising them on research priorities for the institute. Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Hon. Teresita Quintos-Deles, represented the Philippines as member of the Advisory Board.
During the meeting, the Board considered adopting its own Rules of Procedures to govern its roles and functions and to more clearly define its working relationship with the Governing Council. The Board members also considered expanding its advisory role on research priorities to include capacity-building for the Governing Council to enable them to better perform their functions under the Institute’s Terms of Reference.
After their meeting, the Board met with the Governing Council of the AIPR in an interface meeting to allow for an initial exchange of ideas and recommendations. The Board proposed to the Governing Council some initial themes for research, which include coming up with an operational definition of conflict resolution and management, and to take stock of past and current work in conflict management in the region to avoid duplication.
The Board also encouraged the Governing Council to consider engaging with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) involved in peace and reconciliation, and to seek funding support from ASEAN External Partners with specific guidelines in place.
Finally, the Board also suggested possible themes for future AIPR symposiums, including the promotion the role of women and children in conflict situations.
The AIPR was established through a joint statement by ASEAN Heads of State which was delivered during the 18th ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia in May 2011. The AIPR Governing Council held its first meeting in December 2013. The Philippines, through the Philippine Mission to ASEAN and the Department of Foreign Affairs, hosted the first AIPR Symposium on Peace and Reconciliation Processes and Initiatives earlier this month. A second symposium will be held from April 22 to 23 in Bali, Indonesia, focusing on Peace and Reconciliation: Principles and Best Practices. END