25 April 2014- Philippine Ambassador to Mexico, Catalino R. Dilem, Jr., met with members of the Mexico-Philippines Friendship Group or Grupo Amistad Mexico-Filipinas, on April 3 at the Palacio Legislativo de San Lazaro in Mexico City. Ambassador Dilem then received the honor of being officially recognized by the assembled members of Mexico’s Cámara de Diputados (Chamber of Deputies) on the floor of the session chamber on that same date.
The day’s engagement began with a meeting with the officers and a member of the Mexico-Philippines Friendship Group, namely, Hon. Rocío Esmeralda Reza Gallegos (PAN Deputy from the State of Chihuahua), President of the Mexico-Philippines Friendship Group; Hon. Aurora Denisse Ugalde Alegría (PRI Deputy from the State of Mexico), Vice-President; and Hon. Rubén Acosta Montoya (PVEM Deputy from the State of Chihuahua), Member.
Ambassador Dilem expressed the Philippines’ sincere appreciation for the Group’s efforts in raising Mexican awareness about the importance of the existing links between the Philippines and Mexico, and discussed specific opportunities to enhance bilateral ties, including future exchanges of visits by Philippine and Mexican legislators.
After meeting with the above representatives, Ambassador Dilem was invited to an on-going session of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, during which he had the privilege of being recognized by the assembled legislators. Ambassador Dilem and his accompanying Embassy officers were then personally introduced to several other lawmakers, and were likewise presented with copies of the commemorative book, LXII Legislatura Memoria 2012-2013. END