
5 July 2013 - The Philippines affirmed its commitment to advancing the globally shared goal of securing nuclear and other radioactive materials that are used for peaceful purposes, and preventing the illicit trafficking of such materials.

Speaking at the Ministerial Session of the International Conference on Nuclear Security, Dr. Amelia P. Guevara, Undersecretary for Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology, stated, “This commitment to strengthening nuclear security worldwide stems from the recognition that nuclear security, alongside with nuclear safety, is integral to the continued development and enjoyment of the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.”

While recognizing that nuclear security is a primary responsibility of individual States, Dr. Guevara underlined the country’s support for international cooperation to enhance national capabilities in nuclear security. The Philippines works with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), primarily in the implementation of the Philippine National Nuclear Security Plan, to put in place effective and appropriate national measures for nuclear security.

In addition, the country is an active participant in other international initiatives that contribute towards the establishment of a global nuclear security regime, such as the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) and the Nuclear Security Summits held in Washington and Seoul in 2010 and 2012, respectively.

 “Addressing the threat of nuclear terrorism and proliferation will also assist in creating the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons, in accordance with the objectives of the NPT.  The Philippines shares the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons, and of ensuring that nuclear energy is used only for peaceful purposes, “Dr.  Guevara added.

The IAEA is hosting an International Conference on Nuclear Security, with the theme “Enhancing Global Efforts,” in Vienna, Austria, from July 01 to 05.   It is aimed at providing a global forum to review progress made in strengthening nuclear security worldwide.  The Opening Session featured statements from several ministers before a large audience of senior government officials and policymakers, high-level participants from international organizations  involved in nuclear security, and technical and legal experts. END