PH Embassy in Baghdad Conducts Short Practical Training Courses for Trafficking Victims
PHOTO: Philippine Embassy in Baghdad Chargé d’Affaires, e.p. (CDA) Generoso D.G. Calonge (standing) kicks off the first of a series of practical training courses for victims of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) currently under the Embassy’s custody. (Baghdad PE photo)
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) showcase a classic favorite in Iraq which is easily loved by Filipinos who are fond of rice dishes - the biryani! (Baghdad PE photo)
Chargé d’Affaires Generoso D.G. Calonge (third from left) and Third Secretary and Vice Consul Jomar T. Sadie (rightmost) join the course participants in tasting their well-prepared and sumptuous dish. (Baghdad PE photo)
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