PH Embassy in Baghdad Holds Graduation Ceremony for Trafficking Victims After Completion of Practical Training Courses
PHOTO: Philippine Embassy in Baghdad Chargé d’Affaires, en pied Generoso D.G. Calonge awards certificates to participants of practical training courses for victims of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) on 13 August 2020. Having bypassed a Post Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) en route to the Middle East, all participants were household service workers (HSWs) with zero to little training on norms and practices in the household or the hospitality sector.
Beginning 02 August 2020, the Philippine Embassy in Baghdad provided practical courses for TIP victims while they wait for their exit visas and repatriation flight. After completing both courses, the OFWs were treated to a dinner where they showcased their learning after the awarding ceremony. (Baghdad PE photo)
Chargé d’Affaires, en pied Generoso D.G. Calonge (center) poses with proud course-completers. The Philippine Embassy in Baghdad observed that most of repatriates eventually opt for another work overseas and these training programs aim to impart useful skills to these individuals should they get redeployed. (Baghdad PE photo)
Protocol Officer Rommel C. Bermas led the training for the participants, some of whom had the chance to work for Iraqi professionals or officials from the Iraqi government. (Baghdad PE photo)
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