ASEAN Women Circle of Los Angeles Strengthens Ties Amid the Pandemic
Screenshot of the Patrons and Executive Committee Members of the ASEAN Women Circle of Los Angeles (AWCLA) during the AWCLA Virtual Meeting on 13 August 2020.
LOS ANGELES 20 August 2020 – The patrons and executive committee members of the ASEAN Women Circle of Los Angeles (AWCLA) held its first virtual gathering via Zoom on 13 August 2020.
Madam Catherine A. Cruz, AWCLA Patron and spouse of Consul General Adelio Angelito S. Cruz, led the participation of the Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles in the virtual meeting, together with Cultural Officer Maria Dolores C. Sales.
The meeting was convened to discuss the Circle’s plan for the funds that were raised during the AWCLA Charity Lunch held on 26 February 2020, and to plan for programs and activities that may be undertaken in accordance with local restrictions on public gatherings and other health safety orders.
The meeting also served as an occasion for AWCLA ladies to commemorate the 63rd Founding Anniversary of the ASEAN. It may be noted that AWCLA had initially planned various social and cultural activities for this commemorative event, but these plans had to be rethought due to the pandemic.
AWCLA was established on in 1991, drawing inspiration from the ideals of ASEAN friendship and unity. It is a socio-cultural association composed of the spouses of the heads of consular missions, female members of the ASEAN consular corps and the community of ASEAN women in Los Angeles. It promotes ASEAN culture and the arts through various activities, including fundraising bazaars and other charitable projects. AWCLA is currently headed by Madam Kamolpatr Pratoomkaew of Thailand. END
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