PH Underscores Support for Inclusive Discussions on a Treaty on Transnational Corporations, Human Rights

Geneva Human Rights  

Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Maria Teresa T. Almojuela delivers via Webex the country's general statement at the opening of the 6th IGWG on TNCs and OBEs.

GENEVA 09 November 2020 — The Philippines affirmed its support for current discussions on an international legally-binding instrument to regulate transnational corporations (TNCs) and other companies with respect to human rights, which various communities in different parts of the world hope will strengthen corporate accountability for business actions leading to human rights abuses and environmental crimes.

At the opening of the 6th Session of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) for the Elaboration of an Internationally Binding Instrument on Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and Other Business Enterprises (OBEs) on 05 November 2020, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Philippine Mission to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva Maria Teresa T. Almojuela highlighted the country's commitment to a constructive negotiation process, recalling that the Philippines was one of the 20 countries that voted in favor of the Human Rights Council resolution 26/9 of June 2014 which established the IGWG. The Working Group is tasked to discuss and develop elements of the draft instrument.

"Our discussions on the draft instrument should continue to be inclusive and, as such, provide opportunity for different sectors of the civil society including the academe, religious groups, and civil society organizations to be involved in the discussions toward harmonizing and establishing consensus. We should also ensure that the provisions of the LBI on providing safeguards against all forms of discrimination apply across different vulnerable and marginalized groups," underscored Deputy Permanent Representative Almojuela.

She also pointed out that the Philippines' support for the discussions on a binding instrument on TNCs is consistent with the country's pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Filipino’s long-term vision and aspirations set forth in Our Ambition 2040, and the developmental objectives espoused in the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 which mainstreams the protection of human rights and equality and justice in its strategies.

During the session, the Philippines advocated, among other positions, the need for greater protection for victims and the recognition of vulnerable groups and sectors.

The proceedings of the IGWG can be accessed via END

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