PH Consul General in New York Meets Fil-Ams in the Academe

New York PCG 

Philippine Consul General to New York Petronila P. Garcia (top center) met with Fil-Am members of the academe in the US Northeast last 14 November 2020.

NEW YORK 26 November 2020Philippine Consul General in New York Petronila P. Garcia participated in a virtual meeting with Filipino-Americans in the academe based in the US Northeast on 14 November 2020.

The meeting was participated in by 28 members of the Philippine Academic Association Northeast (PAANE) composed of professors, deans, researchers, members of the faculty, and college and university officials in the 10 States under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Consulate General in New York (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont).

In her remarks, Consul General Garcia said that PPANE can serve as an avenue for exchanging ideas, sharing resources, and collaborating for a common objective, not only for those in the US Northeast but also their counterparts in the Philippines. She assured the members that the Consulate General in New York will be their partner in supporting professional networking and harnessing the potentials of Filipino-Americans scholars, researchers, and academics.

The group discussed ways to expand their network and to continue their projects and initiatives during the pandemic. They proposed to pursue a mentorship program for Fil-Am professionals in the academe, students, and fresh graduates, building on the existing mentorship program of the Consulate General under its Philippine Graduation (P-Grad) project where fresh graduates are paired with distinguished Fil-Ams in the same field who will mentor them for one year. END

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