PH Embassy, Confederation of General Zionists Commemorate PH Vote on UN Partition Plan

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From left to right: Confederation of General Zionists former MK and Secretary General Mr. Dov Lipman, Philippine Embassy in Israel Chargé d’Affaires, a.i.  Ms. Reichel Quiñones, Confederation of General Zionists Vice Cairman Mr. David Yaari, and Philippine Embassy in Israel Attaché Ms. Wendy Cruz during the presentation of the certification acknowledging Philippines’ vote in favor of UN General Assembly Resolution 181 on 29 November 1974. (Photo courtesy of Mr. Golan Yossifon, Yossifon PR)

TEL AVIV 04 December 2020 – Senior officials of the Confederation of General Zionists visited the Balai Quezon of the Philippine Embassy in Israel on 29 November 2020 to commemorate the passage of the UN Partition Plan that created the State of Israel in 1947. The Philippines was the only Asian nation that voted in favor of the Partition Plan.

Vice President of the Confederation Mr. David Yaari and former Member of the Knesset (MK) and Secretary General of the Federation Mr. Dov Lipmanpresented the Embassy’s Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., Ms. Reichel Quinones, with a certificate which acknowledged the Philippines’ vote in favor of UN General Assembly Resolution 181 on 29 November 1947 and the contributions of former Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon, whose historic “Open Door” policy provided safe haven in the Philippines for some 1,300 Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust in Europe from 1937 to 1941.

“President Quezon deserves to be remembered for his brave act of kindness during such a dark period of Jewish history. As leaders of the General Zionist faction of the World Zionist organization, we deeply appreciate his humanitarian act, and the Philippines’ vote in favor of Resolution 181 that created the State of Israel,” said Mr. Yaari.

CDA Quinones pointed out that President Quezon’s humanitarian act has become the foundation for the strong relations that the Philippines and Israel continue to enjoy to this day. “Through the Balai Quezon, we hope to generate awareness of this unique part of history that forged a lasting friendship between two peoples during such a difficult period of time,” she emphasized.

The Balai Quezon, the Philippine Embassy's cultural center, was inaugurated on 29 October 2019. It serves to promote greater awareness and recognition of the story, history, and meaning of President Manuel L. Quezon’s Open Door policy.

The Confederation of General Zionists is a group within the World Zionist Congress that emphasizes strengthening the connection and ties between the State of Israel and Diaspora Jewry. It is chaired by Jesse Sultanik, whose grandfather, Kalman Sultanik (z’’l) previously served as Vice President of the World Jewish Congress. END

Tel Aviv 2

From left: Philippine Embassy in Israel Chargé d’Affaires, a.i.  Ms. Reichel Quiñones, Confederation of General Zionists Vice Cairman Mr. David Yaari, Confederation of General Zionists former MK and Secretary General Mr. Dov Lipman, and Philippine Embassy in Israel Attaché Ms. Wendy Cruz (Photo courtesy of Mr. Golan Yossifon, Yossifon PR)

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