Potential Cooperation in the Field of Space Science Between DOST, PhilSA and the University of Lethbridge
Consul General Zaldy Patron (left) with uLethbridge President Michael Mahon during their meeting on 13 September 2019 (Photo from PCG Calgary)
CALGARY, 26 May 2021– The Philippine Consulate General joined a virtual introductory meeting on 18 May 2021 where officials from the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) and the University of Lethbridge (uLethbridge) explored areas for potential cooperation in the field of space science, particularly on remote sensing technology.
Consul General Zaldy Patron previously met with uLethbridge President Michael Mahon and his officials during his visit to the University on 2019 where he learned about uLethbridge’s program on remote sensing technology and its hosting of the Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre (ATIC), a leading research center. Afterwhich, the PCG introduced uLethbridge officials with DOST and PhilSA officials, which led to the introductory meeting. END
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