PH Embassy Launches Sentro Rizal Abu Dhabi Awards for Role Models on Civic Responsibility, Confers Awards on 160th Birth Anniversary of National Hero

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Philippine Ambassador to the UAE Hjayceelyn M. Quintana (second from left) with three of the four Abu Dhabi Awards 2021 awardees Mr. Jamael Panda (leftmost), Ms. Lucille Ong (third from left) and Mr. John Paul Faderogao (rightmost). (Abu Dhabi PE photo) 

ABU DHABI 21 June 2021 — In commemoration of the 160th birth anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal, Philippine Ambassador to the UAE Hjayceelyn M. Quintana conferred the Sentro Rizal Abu Dhabi Awards 2021 to four Filipinos in the UAE who exemplified the national hero's ideals by selflessly contributing their knowledge, talents, and skills for the nation’s interest as the hero did during his four-year exile in Dapitan on 19 June 2021.

These are (1) Ms. Lucille Ong, for her contributions in ensuring that the Philippine Pavilion in the Expo Dubai 2020 would showcase the best of the Philippines; (2) Mr. Jamael Panda, for taking the initiative to contribute towards the further strengthening of Philippine relations with the UAE; (3) Mr. John Paul Faderogao for contributing towards building a strong Filipino community spirit through his extraordinary talent as a visual artist; and (4) Ms. Aileen Alba, who was conferred her award last June 12 in Dubai, for having shown an excellent example of civic responsibility by being vigilant and taking appropriate citizen action to ensure a positive image for the Philippines in the UAE. END

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The four Abu Dhabi Awards 2021 awardees

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Left photo: The Order of the Knights of Rizal - EADD Chapter, joined Ambassador Quintana in giving tribute to the Philippine Nurses Association UAE Chapter represented by Ms. Harlene May Mogato (2nd from right) and Ms. Annie P. Fernandez (4th from right) for being in the frontlines in the fight against COVID. Mr. Blesil D. Apduhan (far right), is current Commander of the Knights of Rizal-Emarat Abu Dhabi Chapter. (Abu Dhabi PE photo)

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