PH Permanent Representative to ASEAN Attends the Official Launch of the ASEAN Village

Jakarta PM

Left photo: The ASEAN Village in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, consists of 100 permanent housing units, mosque and an auxiliary health center.  (photo courtesy of AHA Centre). Right photo: Permanent Representative of the Philippines to ASEAN Ambassador Noel Servigon delivers his remarks during the launch of the ASEAN Village. (Jakarta PM photo)

JAKARTA 28 June 2021 – “The ASEAN Village symbolizes the enduring brotherhood between the peoples of the Philippines and Indonesia. It is a testament to what international and ASEAN cooperation is capable of achieving,” Ambassador Noel Servigon, the Permanent Representative of the Philippines to ASEAN, stated during the official launch of the ASEAN Village in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on 24 June 2021 which was held via hybrid format.

Ambassador Servigon expressed hope for ASEAN governments and partners to continue to cooperate and invest in programs that allow the peoples of ASEAN to confront, rehabilitate and recover from various natural disasters and challenges.

Following the triple disasters that occurred in Central Sulawesi in September 2018 when a 7.4 magnitude earthquake triggered a near-field tsunami, major liquefaction and landslides, the Philippines provided financial assistance amounting to USD300,000 which was channeled through the ASEAN Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre).  

As one of the ten countries to be given priority access to Palu, the Philippines also donated in kind by transporting generators, water purification units and tents to the affected areas.

Along with the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Australia, and Direct Relief, a United States-based non-governmental humanitarian organization, also provided financial support for the construction of the ASEAN Village which was implemented by the AHA Centre in coordination with Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia and the local governments of Central Sulawesi and Palu City. 

The ASEAN Village which is located in Tondo, Palu City consists of 100 earthquake-resistant permanent housing units, a mosque and an auxiliary health center. Also included are public facilities such as Community Street, drainage system and access to clean water and electricity.  

According to ASEAN Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi, ASEAN demonstrated steadfast solidarity with Indonesia by lending support through the various regional mechanisms provided by the AHA Centre including the ASEAN Emergency Response Team (ASEAN-ERAT) and the Disaster Emergency Logistics System (DELSA). 

“The ASEAN Village is one of the remarkable developments that demonstrate how ASEAN can engage and promote the people’s contributions towards relief and recovery efforts,” he added.

Local government officials, including the governor of Central Sulawesi Province, Rusdy Mastura and the mayor of the Palu City, Hadianto Rasyid, were on hand during the launching ceremony and expressed appreciation for the assistance extended by donor countries and organizations to the people of Palu. END

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