First Batch of Workers Recruited Under Philippine-Israel Bilateral Labor Agreement Arrive in Israel
Philippine Ambassador to Israel Macairog S. Alberto (3rd from right), together with Mr. Ziv Bilaus, MOFA Director (right), Ms. Shirley Raisin – Sasson, PIBA Director (2nd from right), Ms. Inbal Mashash, PIBA Director (4th from right) and Ms. Margarita Gorodnitsky, CIMI Deputy Executive Director (left), welcome the 48 Filipino caregivers, who are recruited under the Philippine – Israel Bilateral Labor Agreement, the first batch to arrive in Israel on 28 July 2021. (Tel Aviv PE photo)
TEL AVIV 29 July 2021 – The first batch of Filipino home-based caregivers recruited under the Philippine-Israel Bilateral Labor Agreement (BLA) for the deployment of caregivers landed in Israel on 28 July 2021. The labor agreement, which was signed in September 2018 during President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s official visit to Israel, began full implementation in December 2020, with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority (PIBA) launching nationwide recruitment efforts in the Philippines.
“I warmly welcome our newly-arrived workers to Israel,” Philippine Ambassador Macairog S. Alberto said. “Your arrival marks the long-awaited full implementation of the bilateral labor agreement on the deployment of Filipino caregivers to Israel, signed during the President’s visit here in 2018.
“I would like to thank President Duterte, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin, Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III, POEA Administrator Bernard Olalia, the Israeli government, particularly PIBA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and all of those who supported the BLA.”
The group of forty-eight Filipinos, among the first to have undergone the government-to-government recruitment process that began in December 2020, were welcomed at the airport by a team from the Philippine Embassy in Israel. PIBA expects 300 workers to arrive in Israel monthly to fill in the need for caregivers for the elderly and persons with disabilities.
With the full implementation of the BLA, the Philippines is projected to increase its market share in Israel’s caregiving sector to 40% in the next 5 years. END
Philippine Ambassador to Israel Macairog S. Alberto leads the Philippine Embassy and Israeli government officials in welcoming the newly arrived Filipino caregivers. (Tel Aviv PE photo)
From left: Philippine Ambassador to Israel Macairog S. Alberto, Labor Attaché Rodolfo Gabasan and Vice Consul Judy Razon provide a briefing to the 48 Filipino caregivers recruited under the Philippine – Israel Bilateral Labor Agreement. (Tel Aviv PE photo)
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