28 May 2014- The Philippine Consulate General in Guangzhou participated in the inaugural ASEAN Consulates General Golf Tournament which was held in conjunction with the Celebration of the 47th ASEAN Anniversary.
The ASEAN Golf Tournament was held at the Dragon Lake Club (King Course) on April 12. The ASEAN Consulates General in Guangzhou – Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, organized the tournament with the primary objective of strengthening friendship and collaboration amongst the various ASEAN communities in Southern China.
The Golf Tournament was participated in by the officers and staff of the various ASEAN Consulates General and members of ASEAN community. ASEAN’s name of “One Vision, One Identity, One Community” was emblazoned on golf shirts provided by the organizers and proudly worn by the players as a show of ASEAN unity.
Philippine Consul General in Guangzhou Raly L. Tejada joined three (3) members from the Filipino community namely Jerry Cu, Emmie Leano and Norman Leano, who are all managers from Dongguan City in representing the lone Philippine team. Even with just a flight, the Philippines won Team Champion, Individual Champion and the individual First Runner-up award. END