30 May 2014 - The Philippines joined more than 3,000 delegates from the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) 194 Member States in addressing key global health issues at the 67th World Health Assembly (WHA67) which was held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland from May 19 to 24.
Health Secretary Enrique T. Ona headed the Philippine delegation together with Ambassador Cecilia B. Rebong, Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva, as co-head.
The Philippines participated actively in the meetings and in various side events held during the week-long conference. The debate at the plenary focused on the relationship between climate and health.
In his remarks during the Assembly’s debate, Secretary Ona stated that health is one of the most visible dimensions of climate change. He said that health impacts of climate change are diverse and real. “However, as what we, as well as many other countries have embarked on, there are multiple opportunities for improving health as we meet the challenges of adaptation and mitigation. The call is for us to do what we should have done yesterday. A united front against the health impacts of climate change is needed to achieve universal health care for our people,” Secretary Ona said.
In the weeklong gathering, the Assembly adopted more than 20 resolutions on public health issues and approved a number of resolutions on issues such as access to essential medicines, antimicrobial drug resistance, public health impacts of exposure to mercury and mercury compounds, renewed commitments towards universal health coverage, health in the post-2015 development agenda, and health intervention and technology assessment in support of universal health coverage, among others. The complete documentation on the results of the Assembly may be accessed through this link: http://apps.who.int/gb/e/e_wha67.html.
The other members of the Philippine delegation included Deputy Permanent Representative Noralyn Baja of the Philippine Mission in Geneva, Dr. Kenneth Hartigan-Go, Director-General of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Jaime Y. Lagahid, Chief of Staff Designate of the Department of Health (DOH), Dr. Roland L. Cortez, DOH Chief of Staff Designate, Dr. Irma L. Asuncion, DOH OIC-Director IV of the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau, Dr. Jose R. Llacuna, Jr., Director IV for DOH Regional Office VIII, Third Secretary Sharon Johnnette M. Agduma of the Philippine Mission in Geneva, Dr. Cirilo R. Galindez, Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center OIC-Chief of Hospital, Attache Michelle Eduarte of the Philippine Mission in Geneva, Dr. Oscar G. Gutierrez, Jr., Food-Drug Regulation Officer IV of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Allan Evangelista, DOH Chief Health Program Officer of the Bureau of International Health Cooperation, Dr. Cherylle G. Gavino, DOH Medical Officer III and Executive Assistant of the Office of the Secretary, Dr. Linda Milan, DOH Consultant and Mr. Roger P. Tong-An, National President of the Philippine Nurses Association.
The WHA, the supreme WHO decision-making body, is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States. It focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board to determine WHO policies. It is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.
“The Philippines, as part of the international community, remains committed to continue and sustain our efforts in ensuring equitable, sustainable and quality health for Filipinos through programs and projects under the able leadership of the Department of Health. Here in Geneva, we reiterate our continued support for the work and programs of the WHO and will continue to work with the WHO in addressing global health issues,” Ambassador Rebong said. END