PH Touts Safe and Just Border Governance Measures in Int’l Forum 

  ASec Raymund Cortes migration review review forum

Assistant Secretary for Migrant Workers’ Affairs Paul Raymund Cortes represents the Philippines at the International Migration Review Forum Roundtable on rights-based practical and action-oriented approaches to migration governance. (Photo from NYPM)


UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK 23 May 2022, – The Philippines’ rights-based and proactive enforcement of border measures has not only protected Filipino migrants from abusive practices and the impacts of the pandemic, but also brought justice to human trafficking victims.

Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary for Migrant Workers’ Affairs Paul Raymund P. Cortes in a statement submitted to the International Migration Review Forum on May 17, 2022, said the government made sure that its borders are safe and open for Filipino migrants moving between their home and host countries.

“The Philippine government facilitated the repatriation of almost two million Filipinos affected by the pandemic. We established the ‘green lanes; for seafarers, allowing crew change in Philippine ports while minimizing COVID-19 risks,” Assistant Secretary Cortes said in a statement at the second Roundtable in the IMRF.

“Thus, we recognize their critical role as “key workers” in global trade and economic recovery,” he added.

Assistant Secretary Cortes told the forum that the Philippine government responded to human trafficking and assisted victims. In 2019, the Philippines and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a Memorandum of Undersanding to combat human trafficking.

He shared in the forum that the Philippines partnered with Bahrain for the issuance of a work and residency permit called the “flexible visa” which regularized Filipino migrants, and shielded them from unscrupulous practices that often lead to trafficking.

Assistant Secretary Cortes also told the forum that the Philippine government was able to pursue cases on trafficking, such as the two Filipinos who were abused and sexually exploited in Syria.

“Both Filipina survivors gave their statements in the Philippines, and the suspects were later on apprehended, prosecuted, and convicted abroad,” said the Foreign Affairs official.

“Last year, through our cooperation with the relevant Syrian authorities, 110 Filipinos were saved from a trafficking situation and were given access to justice. This resulted in a landmark judicial victory awarded by a Syrian Court in favor of victims of human trafficking,” he added, while noting the vital role of collaboration between countries in protecting migrants’ rights.

“Colleagues, government-led initiatives and international collaboration with fellow governments are indeed instrumental in border governance measures and in serving justice to our nationals,” Assistant Secretary Cortes said.

The second Roundtable discussed specific objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM), namely: legal identity and documentation; save lives; counter smuggling; eradicate trafficking; manage borders; alternatives to detention; dignified return and reintegration.

The IMRF is the primary intergovernmental global platform to discuss and share progress on the implementation of all aspects of the GCM with the participation of all relevant stakeholders.

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