Filipinos in Dubai Learn Get Smarter About Real Estate Investments at Third Session of Financial Literacy Seminar Series

Dubai Real Estate

The Philippine Consulate General in Dubai and the Northern Emirates conducted the third module of the Financial Literacy Seminar on 22 October 2022. Ms. Lailani Manalastas (Bottom left), one of the financial literacy mentors, facilitated a group discussion about real estate investments and after the breakout sessions, Ms. Elaine Superio (bottom right), one of the participants, shared her groupmates’ learning experiences about real estate investments.

DUBAI, 14 November 2022 – Over 50 Overseas Filipinos (OFs) in Dubai and the Northern Emirates learned more about investing in real estate and real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the Philippines at the third session of the Financial Literacy Seminar organized by the Philippine Consulate General in Dubai (PCG Dubai) and Northern Emirates on 22 October 2022.

The three-hour session was conducted by resource speakers Ms. Susan Francisco, a former real estate agent and currently a senior consultant and investment adviser; and Ms. Charry Dela Cruz, Assistant Vice President of a private bank in Dubai. Ms. Francisco discussed the basics of real estate, whereas Ms. Dela Cruz expounded on the topic and introduced REITs to the participants, along with its pros and cons.

The participants, some of whom are already investing in real estate, were very engaged in the discussion, with some exchanging opinions and investment experiences during the breakout session.

In her closing remarks, Vice Consul Paola Belle Ebora expressed her warm appreciation to the financial literacy mentors and participants for their continued support of the financial literacy seminar series. She underscored the need to raise awareness on investing in real estate as OFs are using their hard-earned money for such financial endeavors.

The Financial Literacy Seminar series has been a project of PCG Dubai since 2017. It includes four modules, (1) savings, budgeting, and debt management; (2) investments and insurance; (3) investing in real estate; and (4) entrepreneurship, business development, and reintegration programs - all of which were developed with the assistance of Dubai-based financial experts and mentors. END

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