Logo Design Contest for the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Philippines and Morocco
RABAT 16 February 2023 — On 10 April 2025, the Philippines and Morocco will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. A logo design competition, undertaken in collaboration with the Moroccan Embassy in the Philippines will be held as one of the various projects and activities in the lead up to the commemoration.
- The competition is open to all residents of Morocco and the Philippines (ages 18 years old and above),
- Each participant shall submit one (1) official entry.
- A group participation will be counted as one participant/person only.
- The logo should take into consideration the colors of the Philippine and Moroccan flags simple and not overly detailed.
- The logo must be emblematic of what PH and Morocco share and/or have, for example in flora and fauna.
- The logo must be reflective of and communicate Philippine-Moroccan relations the past 50 years: cordial and close, vibrant and strong, characterized by mutual understanding, commitment to the values of democracy and rule of law.
- Contestants are invited to visit the Facebook pages of the Philippine Embassy in Rabat and Embassy of Morocco in the Philippines for ideas and insights on the conduct of relations between the two countries.
- The winning logo will be used by both embassies during the year-long commemoration from 10 April 2024 leading up to the anniversary date of 10 April 2025.
- Logo must be the original work of the contestant, does not infringe upon any copyright/s and any copyright infringement shall be the sole and legal responsibility of the contestant.
- Entries will be judged on their visual appeal, quality of design strictly adhering to the “50 years of Philippine-Moroccan relations”, and with ease of reproduction for official uses only including but not limited to social media, printed materials, etc.
- Logo design can be submitted to email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the following formats:
- Digital (original, raw file)
- At least 600dpi, with a file extension of .jpg
- Illustrated on A4 size using Photoshop
- Freehand illustration or drawing
- Illustrated on A4 sized paper
- Deadline of submission of entry will be 12nn on 30 June 2023.
- The winning logo design becomes the property of contest organizers.
- The winner shall receive a cash prize of P50,000.00 or its equivalent in Moroccan Dirhams.
For more information, visit https://rabatpe.dfa.gov.ph/, https://www.facebook.com/PHinMorocco/ or https://twitter.com/PHLinMorocco