DND Attends 12th ASEAN-Japan Defense Vice-Ministerial Forum and the Japan-ASEAN Seminar on Climate Change and Security
ASEAN Vice Ministers and representatives for defense and ASEAN Secretariat flank Japan’s State Minister for Defense INO Toshiro and Vice Minister of Defense for International Affairs OKA Masami.
TOKYO 29 March 2023 – Undersecretary Angelito M. de Leon of the Department of National Defense represented the Philippines at the ASEAN-Japan Defense Vice Ministers Forum, held on 15 March 2023 in Tokyo. Undersecretary de Leon presented the Philippine experience at the Seminar on Climate Change and Security. ASEAN Member States and Japan exchanged views on the impact of climate change on each country and efforts to mitigate and adapt to its impact.
The Undersecretary explained the vulnerability of the Philippines to disaster and risk factors, how the defense and military sectors are exposed to the impact of these disasters, and the role of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He underscored the role of international partners, and prospective areas of work to reduce risk and address and respond to the impact of climate change.
In the Philippines, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Center (NDRRMC) is the main policy-making and coordinating body which convenes to respond to emergency and disasters. The Secretary of National Defense is the Chair of the NDRRMC, with the DND’s Office of Civil Defense as the implementing arm of the NDRRMC. END
Undersecretary de Leon and Japan’s Vice Minister of Defense for International Affairs OKA Masami.