PH Embassy in Port Moresby Meets with Officials from International Organization for Migration (IOM)


Left photo: Philippine Embassy in Port Moresby Chargé d'Affaires, with IOM Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Ms. Sarah Lou Ysmael Arriola, together with an IOM Official.  Right photos: CDA Uy with IOM-PNG Officials, Mr. Serhan Aktoprak and IOM-PNG Filipino officials. (Port Moresby PE photos)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 25 April 2023  Philippine Embassy in Port Moresby Chargé d'Affaires Sheryl Uy met with International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Sarah Lou Ysmael Arriola as the latter visits Papua New Guinea as part of IOM's work in the region on 17 April 2023.

Earlier, CDA Uy met with IOM Papua New Guinea's Chief of Mission Mr. Serhan Aktoprak to discuss potential areas for cooperation and joint activities. Also in the meeting were IOM-PNG Filipino officials' Ms. Zita An Ortega-Greco, Head of Resources Management and Mr. Herber Santos, Procurement and Logistics Officer. END

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