PH, Australia Underscore Importance of Rule of Law in Discussions on Civil Maritime Security 

Civil Maritime Security 1

Secretary Mark Llandro Mendoza of the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office (5th from left) met Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Deputy Secretary Michelle Chan on 24 April in Canberra to pursue further maritime cooperation. L-R Acting Deputy Secretary Elly Lawson, Admiral Artemio Abu, Ambassador Hellen De La Vega, Deputy Secretary Chan, Secretary Mendoza, DOTR Undersecretary Elmer Sarmiento, PCG Vice Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan, DFA Deputy Assistant Secretary Maria Elena Maningat. (Canberra PE photo)

CANBERRA, 28 April 2023 – Presidential Adviser on Legislative Affairs Secretary Mark Llandro Mendoza, Transportation Undersecretary Elmer Sarmiento and the Commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard Admiral Artemio Abu met officials of the Australian Government on 24-26 April 2023 in Canberra to discuss opportunities to strengthen bilateral partnership on civil maritime security. The officials led a delegation of officials from foreign affairs, defense, and transportation as well as representatives from the academic community.

The Philippine officials referred to the shared maritime heritage of the Philippines and Australia and discussed developments in the efforts of the Philippines to modernize the Philippine Coast Guard and in the maritime legislative measures under consideration. The two sides underscored the primacy of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in oceans governance and the significant contribution of the 2016 Arbitral Award on the South China Sea to understanding international law and to the preservation of regional peace and stability.

The Philippines and Australia are both original UNCLOS signatories. Maritime cooperation is a key element of the two countries’ bilateral partnership. END