PH Pavilion Officially Opened at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia
PHOTO: Sen. Francis Escudero, Ms. Heart Evangelista, Ambassador-Designate Nathaniel Imperial and Consul General
Elmer Cato led the opening ceremony of the Philippine Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition
of La Biennale di Venezia 2023. (Milan PCG photo)
PHOTO: The Philippine Pavilion presents the "Tripa de Gallina: Guts of Estuary" which explores the complex relationship
between people and waterways. (Milan PCG photo)
PHOTO: Consul General Elmer G. Cato delivers his welcome remarks for the opening ceremony of the Philippine Pavilion. (Milan PCG photo)
PHOTO: Ambassador-Designate Nathaniel G. Imperial and Consul General Elmer G. Cato join the Filipino community
and guests after the opening ceremony. (Milan PCG photo)
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