UN General Assembly Adopts by Consensus PH-Led Resolution to Commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Permanent Court of Arbitration


Ambassador and Permanent Representative Antonio M. Lagdameo introduces the resolution to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on behalf of a core group of states. He thanked all the UN Member States for the support, including the 122 countries that co-sponsored the resolution.

NEW YORK 02 August 2023 – The Philippines, along with a core group of states that includes Australia, Egypt, Guatemala, Hungary and Thailand, led the adoption, by consensus, by the UN General Assembly (GA) of the GA resolution to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the establishment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration by the United Nations General Assembly.

The resolution enjoyed broad cross-regional support in the General Assembly, with a total of 122 countries registering its support and co-sponsorship of the resolution. 

The Permanent Court of Arbitration or PCA, established by treaty in 1899, with 122 contracting parties, is an intergovernmental organization that provides a variety of dispute resolution services to the international community. The PCA administers four of the five dispute settlement methods recommended in Article 33 of the U.N. Charter – namely enquiry, mediation, conciliation and arbitration, complementing the work on judicial settlement by International Court of Justice. It has observer status in the UN.

Ambassador and Permanent Representative Antonio M. Lagdameo introduced the resolution at the plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, highlighting the PCA’s dispute settlement role through the years. He stated: “2024 marks an important milestone in the PCA’s service to the international community through the pursuit of peace and justice through law. In its 125 years, PCA has successfully adapted to the changing dispute resolution needs of the international community. Originally intended as a mechanism for the settlement of disputes between states, the PCA has evolved into a robust modern international dispute settlement institution with one of the heaviest caseloads out of all international courts.” 

With the adoption of resolution, the General Assembly recognizes the PCA’s important contribution to the peaceful settlement of disputes. It also reaffirms the 1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes; and acknowledges the evolution of PCA into a modern, multifaceted arbitral institution in response to the dispute resolution needs of the international community.

The resolution highlights the shared mission between the PCA and the United Nations in the maintenance of international peace and security, the peaceful settlement of international disputes, and the progressive development of international law.

As concrete ways forward, the General Assembly, in welcoming the 125th anniversary of the establishment of the PCA, invites Member States and organizations of the United Nations system to commemorate the subject anniversary.

Member States are encouraged to make use of PCA’s services and to support its activities and programs as well as to accede to its founding conventions: the 1899 and 1907 Conventions for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. The General Assembly also requests the Secretary-General to bring the resolution to the attention of Member States, the organizations of the United Nations system, and all relevant stakeholders.

Ambassador Lagdameo also acknowledged the important work done by the Philippine Embassy in The Hague, under the leadership of Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya, President of the PCA’s Administrative Council. “The text of the resolution is based on the draft that was shepherded by the Philippine Embassy in The Hague and endorsed by the Administrative Council of the PCA,” Ambassador Lagdameo said.

He summed up the steps undertaken by the New York-based core group to reach out to all Member States of the United Nations, noting that the draft resolution was revised based on views expressed by states at the informal consultations and subsequent bilateral discussions from June to July 2023.

Ambassador Lagdameo reiterated appreciation for the states that expressed support for this resolution, including the co-sponsors. “We hope that all of you will join us in this joint effort to commemorate the PCA,” he concluded.

The initiative on the PCA resolution is in line with Philippine priorities at the United Nations to actively promote the peaceful settlement of international disputes as an important pillar of international rule of law. The Philippines participates in the annual Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization which deals with this issue specifically. The Special Committee has recognized the important role of the PCA as a key driver for arbitration, which has been used successfully by States to resolve a wide range of disputes. The Philippines works with partners in pursuing initiatives to promote and advance the principles under the 1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes. END


Ambassador and Permanent Representative Antonio M. Lagdameo thanked all UN Member States for their support. Adopted by consensus, the resolution enjoys broad cross-regional support in the General Assembly, with a total of 122 countries co-sponsoring the resolution.


Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives from Singapore (L) and Guatemala (R) congratulated Ambassador and Permanent Representative Antonio M. Lagdameo following the adoption by consensus of the PCA resolution.

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