PH Consulate General in Chicago Visits Newberry Library to View the 1734 Murillo Velarde Map and Philippine Manuscripts from the Spanish Period

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Chicago PCG personnel led by Consul General J. Susana Paez (third from left) with Mr. Will Hansen (right) viewing the 1734 Murillo Velarde map (photo from Chicago PCG)

CHICAGO 05 October 2023 - As part of the celebration of the Maritime and Archipelagic

Nation Awareness Month (MANAMo) 2023, the Philippine Consulate General in Chicago visited the Newberry Library on 04 October 2023.

Philippine Consul General in Chicago J. Susana Paez led the Consulate General team and was guided by Mr. Will Hansen, Vice President for Collections and Library Services and Curator at the Newberry Library.

Built in 1893 and home to millions of books, manuscripts, historic maps, music and other printed materials that focus on humanities, the Newberry Library also has more than 500 Philippine manuscripts and publications from the Spanish period in addition to its core collection of materials on Western Europe and the Americas.

The highlight of the visit featured the viewing of the Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas, a 1734 map designed by Fr. Pedro Murillo Velarde shows early maritime routes from Manila to Spain and New Spain. Thismap is one of the only 12 prints known to be in existence.

Mr. Hansen also informed the group that since the beginning of Newberry Library’s digitization project, it has since electronically archived a vast volume of historic materials including Philippine linguistics, travel literature and maps of the island. It also has the largest collection of manuscripts of Dr. Jose P. Rizal outside the Philippines, including his medical notebooks, diaries and the original print of “Mi Ultimo Pensamiento”. END

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Mr. Will Hansen ( left) informing the Consulate team about Newberry Library’s acquisition of

Philippine manuscripts, watercolor paintings and other historical materials from the Spanish

period (photo from Chicago PCG)

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Photo of the group taken with Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s bust at the second floor of the Newberry Library

(photo from Chicago PCG)


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