Rowan College of South Jersey Names Women’s Institute of Business after Filipina Entrepreneur
Ms. Lita Abele delivers her speech during the ceremony. (Photo by Rowan College of South Jersey)
Consul General Senen T. Mangalile delivers his speech during the ceremony. (Photo by Rowan College of South Jersey)
Seated at the table from L-R: Dr. Brendan Rickards, Provost/Vice President of Academic Services; Lita Marcelo Abele; Mike Girone, Chairperson of Rowan College Foundation; Dr. Fred Keating, President of RCSJ. Standing directly behind Ms. Abele: Consul General Senen Mangalile and Dr. Patricia Claghorn, Dean of RCSJ Business Studies. (Photo by Rowan College of South Jersey)
(Photo by Rowan College of South Jersey)
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