First Overseas OTOP Nook Unveiled in The Hague

Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya and Undersecretary Mary Jean T. Pacheco.

THE HAGUE 09 May 2024 – The very first internationally located “One Town, One Product (OTOP) Nook” was launched Wednesday at the Philippine Embassy in The Hague by Department of Trade and Industry Regional Operations Group Undersecretary Mary Jean Pacheco and Philippine Ambassador to the Netherlands J. Eduardo Malaya. 

DTI - Region 5 Regional Director Dindo G. Nabol, in partnership with the Philippine Trade and Investment Center - Brussels, initiated the OTOP Nook project at the Embassy.

Also present at the launch were Rep. Rufus B. Rodriguez, Chairperson of the House Committee on Trade and Industry and Rep. Anna Victoria Veloso-Tuazon. 

“The Philippine Embassy in The Hague is deeply honored and appreciative to have been chosen as the first overseas site of the OTOP Nook. Promotion of Philippine exports has been a priority work of the Embassy, and having the OTOP Nook here makes it most meaningful as we would promote quality products from our various regions and contribute to their economies,” Ambassador Malaya said.

The newly launched OTOP Nook features innovative products from micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from Albay, such as native abaca bags, pili nuts, and pili cosmetics, providing a glimpse into the diverse offerings of the region.  Products from other key provinces across the country, such as Zamboanga’s native dolls and Iloilo’s “Tultul” artisan salt blocks are also displayed.  This collaborative initiative aims to highlight and promote the rich heritage and culture of Bicol through locally made products to customers, guests, and visitors of the Philippine Embassy.

The OTOP program aims to enable localities and communities to determine, develop, support, and promote products or services that are rooted in its local culture, community resource, creativity, connection, and competitive advantage.  As their own ‘pride-of-place,’ these are offerings where they can be the best at or best renowned for.  It endeavors to capacitate ‘OTOPreneurs’ to innovate and produce market-ready products and services.

Looking ahead, the DTI Regional Operations Group plans to establish additional OTOP Nooks in other Philippine Embassies and trade offices in the coming months, further expanding the reach of Philippine products and showcasing the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit of the country.

Queries may be coursed through the PH Trade and Investment Center (PTIC) Brussels (with jurisdiction on EU, Brussels, The Netherlands and Luxembourg) at e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. END 

(From left to right) Rep. Anna Victoria Veloso-Tuazon, Committee Secretary Valentino Palanca, Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya, Rep. Rufus B. Rodriguez, Mrs. Fenina Rodriguez and Undersecretary Mary Jean T. Pacheco.

(From left to right) Trade and Investment Specialist Christine Barawid, Commercial Counsellor Magnoli Misolas-Ashley, Rep. Rufus B. Rodriguez, Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya, Rep. Anna Victoria Veloso-Tuazon, Undersecretary Mary Jean T. Pacheco, Ms. Joy Lumanglas and Committee Secretary Valentino Palanca.

OTOP Nook.

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