08 July 2014 - The Embassy of the Philippines in Ankara continued to build networks and relationships with relevant Turkish and international organization partners in addressing the growing needs of Filipino workers in Turkey. Among the partners with whom the Embassy recently established institutional links are the Ministry of Labor and Social Services, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs desk on Syrian migration (including movement of Filipino workers across the Turkish-Syrian border), and the International Organization on Migration.
The Ministry of Labor (Turkish acronym CSGB or Çalişma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanliği) has agreed to assist and coordinate with the Embassy in following up labor cases against abusive employers.
To help address the growing incidence of human trafficking in Turkey, the Embassy has partnered with the International Organization for Migration, through a proposed exchange of letters, to establish protocols in the rescue of Filipino victims of human trafficking, temporary housing within Turkey, and eventual repatriation to the Philippines. END