Philippine Creative Economy and Film Production Innovation Cited in 65th World Intellectual Property Organization Assemblies in Geneva

The Philippine delegation led by Mr. Rowel S. Barba, Director General, Intellectual Property Office of the  Philippines (IPOPHL) during the 65th Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the World Intellectual Property  Organization (WIPO)  

GENEVA 26 July 2024 – Representatives from the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines  (IPOPHL) and the Permanent Mission participated in the 65th Series of Meetings of the  Assemblies of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held from 09 to 17 July 2024  at the WIPO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Philippine delegation was led by  IPOPHL Director General Rowel S. Barba. 

DG Barba also delivered the opening remarks for the WIPO side event on “Measuring and  Promoting Sub-national Innovation Performance: The Role of Regional Innovation Indices”  held on 12 July 2024. The hybrid panel discussion focused on sharing of experiences in  developing sub-national innovation indices using the GII framework and other tools, and  discussed how sub-national innovation performance is fostered as a result. 

During the side event, the WIPO toolkit on “Enabling Innovation at the Sub-national Level” was  launched. The publication was produced to support Member States with the development of  their own innovation indices. 

In his Report to the Assemblies, WIPO Director General Darren Tang cited the Philippines as  a bright spot for creative economies and praised the resurgence of global film production post  pandemic in middle income economies such as the Philippines, Argentina and Brazil.  

The Philippines was also cited as a destination for WIPO projects which engender the growth  of the creative economy for economic development. The Philippines, along with 9 other LDCs,  is a beneficiary of WIPO Connect program which provides technical assistance to the  management of copyright and related rights and IP filing and PCT activities, and supports a  transparent, transformative, and geographically diverse IP ecosystem as a catalyst for growth.  

On 17 July 2024, IPOPHL and WIPO signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) for the  Deployment of IP Business Office Services, which supersedes the 2010 WIPO-IPOPHL MOC  for the deployment of Industrial Property Automation System (IPAS). The Cooperation covers  activities for the improvement of IP business services, such as but not limited to the provision  of business systems by WIPO for IP rights administration, document management, online  services, data search and any related systems or modules, etc. END

IPOPHL Director General Rowel S. Barba delivered opening remarks during a side event on enabling innovation  at the sub-national level on 12 July 2024 (source: WIPO Flickr account) 

(Rightmost top and bottom) Geneva PM Permanent Representative Amb. Carlos D. Sorreta and IPOPHL Director  General Rowel S. Barba with ASEAN leaders and WIPO Director General Daren Tang (center) during the launch  of the Creative ASEAN Exhibit in WIPO on 15 July (source: WIPO Flickr) 

PH performers from the Kalinga Group in Geneva showcased their talent in a performance during the  exhibit

PH’s booth during the Creative ASEAN Exhibit on 15 July (source: WIPO Flickr account)


IPOPHL Director General Rowel S. Barba and WIPO Director General Daren Tang signed a Memorandum of  Cooperation for the deployment of IP business office services 

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