Philippines Bats for Stronger Collaboration to Implement Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority Actions and Address Climate Change Impact in FAO Council 176th Session
Philippine Ambassador and Permanent Representative Neal Imperial delivers the Philippine statement at the 176th Session of the FAO Council held on 02-06 December 2024 at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
ROME 06 December 2024 – The Philippines supported the call of the Member States for stronger collaboration, sustained efforts and steadfast commitment to implementing fisheries and aquaculture priority actions and programs, including addressing the impacts of climate change, at the 176th Session of the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) held on 02-06 December 2024 at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
“We believe that these approaches ensure long-term sustainability, equitable benefits and resilience to global threats like climate change, Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and habitat degradation,” Ambassador and Permanent Representative Neal Imperial, who sits in the Council for the Philippines, said.
The Philippines also reiterated its commitment to combating IUU fishing, and recognized the need to strengthen Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS), effectively implement the Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA), and enhance coordination and active participation in the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs).
On the impact of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture, the Philippines requested FAO to continue supporting its members in the development of climate policies and strategies and facilitate information exchange to enhance regional cooperation.
During the course of the session, the Philippines articulated the Philippine government’s efforts to transform the country’s production and social sectors towards priority objectives of food security and rapid, sustained and inclusive economic growth. These efforts include accelerating physical and digital connectivity and helping its farmers significantly reduce post-harvest losses, diversify their products into higher-value-added crops and alternative food staples, as well as ensure that food reaches Filipino consumers, especially in the face of calamities, emergencies and natural disasters.
The Philippines urged FAO to continue supporting its members in putting in place short, medium and long-term solutions to promote more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems. It also expressed hope to continue working with FAO and fellow members in fostering open, fair and transparent markets and trade crucial to achieving food security.
The Philippines also encouraged FAO to integrate technologies and innovations into its program of work to promote their uptake and scaling-up by relevant stakeholders, especially small-scale producers, and underscored the importance of FAO's normative, standard setting and technical work.
The Philippines is one of the 49 Member Nations of the Council elected by the FAO Conference, serving until 2027. As the executive organ of the FAO Conference between sessions, the Council exercises functions dealing with the world food and agriculture situation and related matters, current and prospective activities of FAO, including its Programme of Work and Budget, administrative matters, financial management and constitutional matters, among others. END
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