01 August 2014 - The Philippine Embassy and Philippine Overseas Labor Office in Singapore jointly held a Post-Arrival Orientation Seminar (PAOS) for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) on July 20 at the Bayanihan Center, the Filipino Workers’ Resource Center (FWRC) facility of the Philippine Government in Pasir Panjang, Singapore.
The PAOS is a regular seminar held by the Philippine Government agencies in Singapore to inform newly-arrived OFWs about the services provided by the Embassy, Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), Social Security System (SSS), Pag-IBIG Fund and Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC).
Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales opened the program and informed the participants on the general situation of Filipinos in Singapore, who enjoy wide acceptance by both the local and expatriate population. Philippine Embassy officers provided details on availing of passporting, consular and special assistance services.
The POLO informed on the entitlements of documented OFWs in Singapore, the acquisition of the overseas employment certificate (OEC) and important considerations about the employment contract.
PTIC presented a short talk on financial literacy and the Office of the Philippine Defense Attaché gave a talk on looking after personal security.
The Filipino Overseas Workers in Singapore (FOWS), a non-governmental organization of Filipino volunteers, presented their training and enrichment programs. Metro Remittance Singapore, an overseas subsidiary company of Metrobank, presented on its remittance and payment facilitation services.
The Embassy also held a registration of overseas voters for the coming Philippine national elections. END