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08 August 2014 - As part of his official visit to the northern Portuguese city of Braga on July 3, Philippine Ambassador to Portugal Philippe J. Lhuillier visited the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) as part of the Embassy’s campaign to visit various Portuguese educational and research institutions for the purpose of establishing contacts, developing linkages and exploring possible cooperation activities between institutions from the Philippines and in Portugal.

The Ambassador was given a briefing and a tour of the INL facilities during his visit. Considering the opportunities and potentials posed by advances and applications in nanotechnology in areas such as nano-medicine, environment monitoring, food control, nano-electronics and energy, Ambassador Lhuillier will be working to establish linkages between INL and the scientific community in the Philippines.

INL is the first, and so far the only fully international research organization in Europe in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. INL is the result of a joint decision of the Governments of Portugal and Spain, taken in 19 November 2005.

INL concentrates on nanotechnology, and considers applications in several other areas, following a truly interdisciplinary approach. The Laboratory has been conceived to:

  • Assure world class research excellence in all areas of activity
  • Develop partnerships with the industry and foster the transfer of knowledge in economic values and jobs
  • Train researchers and contribute to the development of a skilled workforce for the nanotechnology industry
  • Survey, prevent and mitigate nanotechnology risks

INL seeks strong collaboration with industrial partners and academic research institutions, through a vigorous participation in international research programs. INL further fosters the creation of spin-off companies in competitive nanotechnology areas, and manages a strong program in public outreach.

The INL sets a clear example of a new type of research collaboration between European Union Member States, and fosters international cooperation with other regions, namely North America, Latin America and certain Asian states. END
