Hongkong seminar on employment

23 July 2013 - Representatives of the Philippine Consulate General, the Hong Kong Labour Department and the Employment Agencies Administration (EAA) conducted a seminar for the Filipino community on Employment and Employees’ Compensation Ordinance and the Services of the Philippine Consulate General on July 07 at the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Central Library in Causeway Bay.

Ms. Ng Shuk-fong Betty, Senior Labour Officer of the Employees’ Compensation Division of the Labour Department, briefed the 70 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) on the coverage under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance which applies to workers who sustain injuries or die as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of their employment. 

Workers on holiday while working in Hong Kong or workers who have valid contracts in Hong Kong and are brought by their employers to work or to travel to China or elsewhere are likewise covered. Those who contract occupational diseases, such as avian flu or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are also covered. Ms. Ng underscored the importance of injured employees giving immediate notice of the accident to their employers as delay may jeopardize their claim for compensation.

Mr. Lee Ka-wai Alex, Assistant Labour Officer of the EAA elaborated that workers should only pay a commission of not more than 10% of the first month’s wage once they are successfully placed with an employer. Mr. Lee received a number of questions from the audience since placement fees charged by employment agencies range between Php 80,000 to Php 120,000 per worker.

Also discussed in the seminar was the non-issuance of receipts by the employment agencies and operation of agencies without appropriate licenses. Mr. Lee clarified that the EAA can investigate complaints but they do not have any adjudication powers. The EAA can refer the cases to the regular courts for adjudication and legal prosecution.

Mr. Yim Chun-kwok, Labour Officer of the Workplace Consultation, briefed the participants on the rights and obligations of both employers and workers as stipulated in the standard employment contract (Form ID 407). He also elaborated on other employee benefits and the sanctions imposed on the contracting parties should they fail to comply with their obligations. To provide a clearer explanation of the Labour Ordinance, Mr. Yim showed a video of an employer-employee speaking in the Filipino language depicting various scenarios to educate the participants about the provisions of the Labor Ordinance.

Assistant Labor Attaché Ma. Teresa B. Olgado of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) and Welfare Officer Daisy F. Furaque of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) discussed the services of their respective agencies.

Consul Joy Banagodos briefed the participants on the various sections of the Consulate with emphasis on Assistance-to-Nationals cases. END