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Rome 4

Rome 51 September 2014 – The Officers, Staff and families of the Philippine Embassy in Rome, headed by Philippine Ambassador to Italy Virgilio A. Reyes, Jr., actively participated in the 1st ASEAN Sports Day of the ASEAN Committee in Rome (ACR) on August 23. Almost 200 participants from ASEAN Member States with Embassies in Rome namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam joined the event.

The Sports Day was formally opened by the sounding of the gong. The first event of the day was a Fun Walk of all participants from the Indonesian Embassy to Villa Borghese, the third largest public park in Rome.

Participants competed in various friendly matches such as darts, table tennis, arm wrestling and scrabble. Fun children’s games like marble on a spoon relay and cracker eating contest were also organized for the ASEAN kids. ASEAN flag coloring activity was also conducted to familiarize the children with the different ASEAN national flags.

Each member state likewise brought and shared its own national dishes and specialties to promote the rich ASEAN cuisine.

The Sports Day ended with an awarding ceremony of the winners in the various games. The Philippines bagged the first place in the scrabble competition and second place in table tennis.

The ASEAN Sports Day, organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Rome as ASEAN Committee in Rome (ACR) Chair, aimed to strengthen camaraderie and foster friendship among ASEAN diplomats in Rome and their families.  END

Rome 6