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11 September 2014 - In line with the thrust for Gender and Development (GAD) initiatives, the Philippine Consulate General in Manado held a panel discussion on women’s health on September 4.

In the opening remarks, Philippine Consul General Jose D.R. Burgos expressed his support for this GAD activity, which aimed to provide important information on women’s health.  The first resource speaker was the spouse of Consul General Burgos, Dra. Blesilda M. Burgos, who discussed concerns related to the eyes such as understanding when children show signs of needing eyeglasses to discussing cataracts that affect the elderly. The second Speaker, Dr. Nelly Mayulu of the University of Sam Ratulangi, presented ideas and resource materials on good nutrition and its importance from child bearing years to dealing with osteoporosis. She also gave guidelines on foods and their limits and espoused the habit of eating right, balancing calories with activities. Finally, Dr. Maya Esther Mewengkang, an obstetrician gynecologist from Siloam Hospital in Manado discussed problems that can be encountered by women such as ovarian cysts as well as dealing with menopause.   

After the speakers had delivered their talks, an open forum followed which enabled the audience/participants to share their experiences and raised questions. The panelists provided invaluable support and contributions, which resulted immensely to the success and fruitful interaction among the panelists and participants.  In addition, representatives from the management of Siloam Hospital attended the activity and also provided information kits on the services available for women at the said hospital.

After the panel discussion, a merienda cena was provided, which gave the opportunity to all the participants to have further interaction and discussion with the speakers/panelists. END