22 September 2014 - Philippine Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin attended the briefing of the United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) Commander Samuel J. Locklear to the Hawaii Consular Corps on September 12 at the USPACOM Headquarters in Pearl Harbor. The event was organized by Mr. Jeffrey Lau, Dean of the Hawaii Consular Corps and Honorary Consul of Belgium to Hawaii.
The briefing was capped by a luncheon hosted by Major General Dana of PACOM. Present during the briefing were the Consuls General of Japan, Australia, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Deputy Consul General of Korea and Honorary Consuls of Belgium (Dean), Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Kiribati, Morocco, Norway, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland and Tonga.
Australian Consul General Scott Dewar who is ending his tour of duty, also bid farewell to Admiral Locklear. END