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milan122 September 2014 - Philippine Consul General Marichu Mauro met with Mr. Federico Maria Bega, Director Area Strategy of PROMOS under the Camera di Commercio Industria Artigiananato E Agricoltura Milano (Milan Chamber of Commerce) on September 8.

PROMOS is the Special Agency of the Milan Chamber of Commerce for the promotion of international activities. It specializes in the field of internationalization and local marketing with two main goals: a) supporting the competitiveness and development of companies in Lombardy on foreign markets, and b) strengthening the ability of the business system of Milan and Lombardy to attract investments and resources from abroad. PROMOS has set up a network of 13 operational offices in 13 countries to promote Milan and Lombardy.

Consul General Mauro mentioned that the first business mission between the Philippines and Italy was in November 2012, wherein CONFINDUSTRIA (Confederation of Italian Industries) sent a 21-member delegation and met with trade associations in the country. She conveyed that it is about time to make another business mission between the two countries either with the Italian business delegation going to Manila or Filipino business delegation coming to Italy.

Mr. Bega mentioned the need for PROMOS to collaborate with the Consulate in promoting good relations and partnership between Italy and the Philippines. PROMOS would also like to seek closer relations with the private sectors in the Philippines. END