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riyadh eow

28 October 2014 - An “Embassy on Wheels” or EOW mobile consular activity was recently conducted in Hofuf from October 24 to 25. The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh’s two-day outreach initiative was held at Kabayan Restaurant, an establishment popular among the Filipino community in the southeastern Saudi city. During the activity, a total of 368 e-Passport renewal applications were processed.

In addition, the EOW team was able to process eight passport extensions, seven Reports of Birth (ROB), 41 notarial applications and one Travel Document issuance. Thirty (30) new e-Passports were also released to their respective applicants.

Three members of the EOW team were on hand to provide overseas voters registration services during the consular outreach activity. A total of 369 Filipinos registered.

As part of the Philippine Embassy’s program to improve customer service, the outreach mission distributed client feedback forms. Two hundred sixty two (262) out of  300 client feedback forms were accomplished. The following were the results of the survey:

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