28 October 2014 - In line with the Philippine Consulate General’s Gender and Development (GAD) Program and in observance of the International Day for Disaster Reduction this month of October, the Philippine Consulate General in Manado, in partnership with Siloam Hospital, organized an intensive First Aid Training Program on October 18 held at Siloam Hospital.
The training program was attended by Philippine Consul General Jose D.R. Burgos and spouse, Dra. Blesilda M. Burgos, Consulate General personnel, together with their dependents, Filipino teachers from Manado International School and representatives from Siloam, led by Ms. Cecylia Sadikin, CEO of Siloam Hospitals in Manado, who provided the welcome remarks.
The training program was facilitated by four trainers from Siloam Hospital Manado, who provided very useful information and demonstrated different techniques related to Basic Life Support (BLS) such as Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Splinting/Bandaging techniques. They discussed how to address strains/sprains, fractures, and conditions such as drowning, poisoning and sudden loss of consciousness e.g. fainting. Throughout the program, there was active interaction among the trainers and the participants, including the provision of basic skills that could be applied in emergency situations.
In addition to the discussions, participants were able to practice the first aid skills such as CPR and were each given information kits. They were also required to take pre-tests and post-tests to reflect their understanding of the materials/lectures. Certificates were given by Siloam Hospital to all participants who successfully completed the program. END