05 November 2014 - The Philippine Consulate General in Milan conducted a Forum on Cancer Awareness on October 23 in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The Forum was organized by the Consulate General in cooperation with the Associazione Italiana malati di Cancro, parenti e amici (AIMaC) which was funded by Insieme Contro il Cancro for this event. AIMaC is an Italian non-governmental organization that aims to empower migrant women through information dissemination, prevention and treatment of cancer.
In her welcome remarks, Philippine Consul General Marichu Mauro urged the attendees to learn to appreciate and understand cancer preventive measures as an effective way of taking care of their health. She also said that breast and cervical cancer do not only affect women, but their families and friends as well.
The guest speakers were Philippine Cancer Society President Dr. Corazon Ngelangel AIMaC Director Laura Maria del Campo.
Dr. Ngelangel gave an interesting talk which dispelled errorneous notions about cancer and spurred a lively open forum. She highlighted the importance of regular self-examinations and doctor’s visits to ensure that any manifestation of cancer would be caught at an early stage and would be appropriately treated. Director del Campo then informed the participants on Italian facilities and services that are available for cancer prevention and treatment.
Given the success of the forum, the Consulate General and AIMaC are now exploring possibilities of conducting a second part of the forum, specifically on availment of medical services, and replicating said forum in other parts of Northern Italy.
AIMaC was founded in 1997 by former Italian Minister of Health, Professor Francesco De Lorenzo. END