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jakarta gad

08 January 2015 – The Philippine Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia organized a seminar on “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace” on December 09, 2014 at the Chancery.

In line with the Gender and Development program of the Philippine Government, the Seminar aimed to increase the awareness of Embassy officers on gender equality and sensitivity. It also provided information on how to identify various forms of harassment with their impact on the individual and collective work environment and ways to address the matter appropriately.

The Seminar was conducted by Ms. Jackie Viemilawati and Ms. Miryam Nainggolan from the Pulih Foundation. Ms. Viemilawati, an Indonesian licensed psychologist/counselor has solid experience on issues concerning violence against women and children. Ms. Nainggolan is the Foundation’s Chair of the Board and an experienced psychologist.

Participants included the personnel of the Embassy and attached agencies, and local hires.  END