03 February 2015 - The ASEAN Dhaka Committee (ADC) comprised of the diplomatic missions of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam gathered together their personnel and home-based families at the function hall of the official chancery of Indonesia on January 23 to hold its annual ASEAN Family Day.
In his opening remarks, Philippien Ambassador to Bangladesh Vicente Vivencio T. Bandillo graciously expressed his commitment to maintaining the harmonious and cordial relationship existing among the members of the committee to ensure that ‘it carries on as a united front in doing its part in upholding the ASEAN’s primary aims of economic growth, social progress, social-cultural evolution and regional peace and stability.’ The Philippines recently assumed chairmanship of the ADC for the fist six months of the year.
It was a day of recognizing achievements, deepening acquaintances and sharing of fun as everyone participated in the various activities such as videoke singing session, children’s games, the distribution of raffle gifts provided by each mission, and the awarding of prizes to the winners of the ASEAN Sports event. A lunch of delectable dishes contributed by all the ASEAN missions completed the event’s program. END