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xiamen roundtable

18 February 2015 – Philippine Vice Consul Ria E. Gorospe was invited as a resource speaker at a Roundtable discussion for Trade Promotion Organizations (TPOs) sponsored by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Xiamen at the C&D Hotel Xiamen on February 10.

The Roundtable discussion was presided by CCPIT Xiamen Chairman Su Yu Qun who announced that CCPIT Xiamen is pushing forward a “Going Out” strategy for 2015 by spearheading economic visits to Europe, India and Australia, in order to stimulate internationalization of Xiamen enterprises. CCPIT Xiamen also intends to strengthen cooperation with Business/Economic divisions of the different Consulates General in Guanzhou and Xiamen as well as with other TPOs by organizing visits to Xiamen Free Trade Zones.

Chairman Su also disclosed that the CCPIT included in its 2015 agenda a training program for local business enterprises on e-Commerce technology to facilitate better transition from traditional economic practices to the e-Commerce era.

During her remarks, Vice Consul Gorospe gave an update on the significant developments in the Philippine economy, including trade statistics, import-export figures as well as other economic variables.

Vice Consul Gorospe discussed the Philippines-China balance of trade, stating that China is the third major trading partner of the Philippines, third largest export market, and second biggest import supplier, which show the robust economic cooperation between the two countries. She also cited the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement as useful platform to facilitate networking between government agencies, private and state-owned enterprises and businessmen from the Philippines and China as well as using the APEC-  and Association of ASEAN–related fora as tools for continuous economic engagement with China.

Vice Consul Gorospe also noted possible areas of cooperation, which include agriculture, transport, tourism, processing and manufacturing, among others. The Philippines is also prepared to work with China in its priority industries such as testing and certification, medical services, innovation and technology, cultural and creative industries, environmental industries and education services.

The other Roundtable resource speakers include Singapore Consul General Chi Chiew Sum; Thai Consul Kanyalak Cheeravinij; Misses Wu Xuan and Huang Shan Li of the Thai Business Center; Mr. Chen Yan Ting, Chief Delegate, Taiwan Trade Center Xiamen Office; the Director of Korea Trade Center in Xiamen; the Chief Delegate of Canada Trade Center in Xiamen; the Chief Representative of the Government of the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic; the Chief of Colombia China Chamber of Commerce  in Fujian, Miss Kelly Diaz; the President of Sino German Economic and Cultural Promotion Association, Mr. Victor K. He; the Assistant to the Chairman of the Sino-Australia Entrepreneurs Association, Miss Liu Qian; the Secretary General of ASEAN plus Six Business Promotion Association of China, Miss Qiu Yong Hong; and Mr. Wang Bai Wei of the Japanese Public Consortium Okinawa Prefecture Trade Promotion Corps in Fujian.

The Roundtable discussion was covered by seven news outlets including Xiamen TV, Xiamen Star TV, Xiamen Daily, Xiamen Evening News, Morning News of Strait’s West, Straits News and the China News Agency. END