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01 April 2015 - The Philippine Consulate General joined the Saint Pedro Calungsod Foundation and the Cebu Association of Guam during their celebration of the Feast of Saint Pedro Calungsod on March 28 at the Shrine of Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores and Saint Pedro Calungsod.

The celebration was highlighted by a Holy Mass officiated by Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, O.F.M.,Cap.,D.D. of the Archdiocese of Agana, and concelebrated by four local and Filipino priests, namely, Fr. Jeff San Nicolas, Principal of Father Duenas Memorial School; Fr. Joel Delos Reyes of Sta. Barbara Catholic Church; Fr. Mario Ortiz, Pastor of the Parish of Saint Joseph in Inarajan;  and Deacon Bill Hagen of Blessed Diego Church.  After the Holy Mass, the Filipino community made a short procession around the shrine.

Calungsod, a young missionary, was martyred together with Fr. San Vitores, a Jesuit priest, while undertaking apostolic works in Tumon, Guam in 1672. He was cannonized in 2012 and became the second Filipino saint. The feast of Saint Pedro Calungsod is traditionally celebrated in Guam every April.

The Cebu Association of Guam holds a Holy Mass on the first Saturday of every month in honor of Saint Pedro Calungsod at the St. Pedro Calungsod and Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Shrine in Tumon. END