17 April 2015 – Filipino women and children in Israel benefited from free medical check-ups when the Philippine Embassy conducted its 5th medical mission on March 14 as part of its humanitarian service to the Filipino community and in celebration of the International Women’s Month. The health program was supported by the Hadassah Hospital Mt. Scopus, and the Philippine Overseas Labor Office and Overseas Workers Association (POLO/OWWA).
The Philippine Embassy welcomed the volunteer doctors and thanked the Hadassah Hospital Mt. Scopus for its continuing support for the medical mission.
Headed by Dr. Sigmund Karasch, the team of volunteer doctors included Maor Chavkin, Liya Kerem, Itai Basek, Diroth Hochnap, Ehud Bahne, Sharon Brecher, Rasha Huri, and Jon Eisenberg. The Hadassah Hospital also sent the clown “Pepe” to entertain the children with his magic tricks and colorful balloons as they waited for their turn for check-up. Embassy personnel and Filipinos community members were also present to assist the doctors in attending to the needs of their patients.
The first medical mission was conducted in 2010 in order to provide free medical consultations to members of the Filipino community as humanitarian service, considering the high cost of healthcare in the country. Around 63 women and 18 children benefited from the program this year. END