20 April 2015 – With more potential registrants lined up in the remaining period from April to October 2015, the Philippine Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon has already surpassed the stipulated target of 5,000 new overseas voter registrants on April 16, through the overseas voter application and registration of Ms. Sheila Mae Andico. Ms. Andico hails from Antique, Philippines, and is currently working in New Rawda, Beirut.
To mark this achievement, the Embassy will be handing out a token of recognition to Ms. Andico during the Philippine Embassy’s Independence Day festivities this coming June 2015. To encourage more registrants, the Embassy will also give a similar recognition when it has registered the 6,000th applicant for the forthcoming May 2016 Presidential Elections.
In line with its firm commitment to to surpass its target during the 2014-2015 overseas voter registration period, the Embassy will continue to organize mobile registrations across Lebanon, particularly in areas frequented by overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) during Sundays. The next overseas voter mobile registration is scheduled for April 19 at the activity area and sports complex of the St. Francis Church in Hamra, Beirut.
To date, the Embassy has successfully organized a total of six field registrations across the country. It is among first Philippine Foreign Service Posts to reach their targets during this overseas registration period. END